Tuesday, October 16, 2007

On Display: A Jaunt to the CBA

The trip to the College of Business Administration from where I consider the heart of the university, from the corridors that surround the University Student Union, or simply the Campus Center, takes just a few minutes. You'd have to go down the escalators and through the balconies that shape the cavity of that jazzy turquoise swimming pool and follow the path out through the mouth of those corridors and you'll know you're in the right place when you see students waiting for their shuttle ride. Brotman Hall's fuzzy, misty fountains and those lush landscapes on the other side mark the middle point of the walk. After that it is an easy, pretty stroll through a long, wide concrete ramp that will eventually lead you past the University Art Museum and straight to the college where it's all about business. It's not too far from the Pyramid in distance or design. This building—the house of accountancy, finance, and many other serious studies—is quite beautiful in its entire dark, blocky, geometrical exterior.

Inside the building I encountered an interesting collection of plaques that adorn the outside walls of classrooms and lecture halls (which I will later on report on regarding their significance), a rainbow of flyers, and hallways where a certain 2005 award is still being celebrated. Here is my collection of images portraying my trip. The very last photos were taken at a meeting with the school's American Marketing Association and their guest speaker, Tom Meyer. (All photos taken by Barbara Navarro on Monday, Oct. 16.)

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